Posts tagged Detox cleanse
What is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet?

How Can Eating Anti-Inflammatory Foods Improve Health?

Inflammation is the body’s protective response to infection, injury and even intense physical activity. It is a critical part of the repair process which brings healthy nutrients and cells to the affected site. Acute, or short term inflammation, is a normal response to high-intensity exercise.

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Which Fall Cleanse is Appropriate for Your Body Type?

A Fall Gentle Cleanse For Tridoshic Types

Fall is a symbol of transition in our environment; since our environment has a strong effect on us as individuals, this is also a great time for transition in our own personnel lives. As our external environment changes, it increases Vata in our own internal environment. This is when it is an important time to change our daily routine and diet.

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Rejuvenate with Ayurvedic Fall Detox Cleanse

Why Fall Is the Perfect Time for an Ayurvedic Detox?

According to Ayurveda, autumn and spring are the best times of the year for performing a Ritucharya ( An Ayurvedic seasonal cleanse/detox of mind and body). A proper detox should last at least three weeks – a one week preparation period, a week cleansing, and a week rebuilding.

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7 Ayurvedic Tips for a Fall Detox Cleanse

Why Do I Need A Fall Ayurveda Cleanse?

Fall is a symbol of transition in our environment; since our environment has a strong effect on us as individuals, this is also a great time for transition in our own personnel lives. As our external environment changes, it increases Vata in our own internal environment. This is when it is an important time to change our daily routine and diet.

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